Unremitting rain. The Ford joined the stable walls last night and integrated with the roaring new spring from underneath its concrete. But this morning it was slightly lower.
Scruff refused to go out for a walk in the rain. My morning routine is to get up around 7, greet the dog and go for a walk of a mile or so before returning to coffee toast and fruit, all the time doing Wordle and Connections. But with the dog refucing to walk I was a loss. I relaised that the walk was for me as much as for him. After coffee I went out anyway, dog still refusing to come with me. Half an hour later we went by car to Malmesbury and the dog , hearing the word "car" was happy to leave the house and come with us. It has gone for 18 hours without a pee.
Scruff refused to go out for a walk in the rain. My morning routine is to get up around 7, greet the dog and go for a walk of a mile or so before returning to coffee toast and fruit, all the time doing Wordle and Connections. But with the dog refucing to walk I was a loss. I relaised that the walk was for me as much as for him. After coffee I went out anyway, dog still refusing to come with me. Half an hour later we went by car to Malmesbury and the dog , hearing the word "car" was happy to leave the house and come with us. It has gone for 18 hours without a pee.