When I get cleverer at using this website (how do I learn, I'll have to find out that too) I will post pictures not only of Bobbi at one but also many more members of the family at the same age. But I'm not clever enough yet.
I'm altogether not clever enough to remedy and optimise out home electronics. The router has stopped transmitting to the kitchen. The Sonos system (4 speakers) changes its mind about interactions every time I try to use it. The downstairs tv no longer uses Freeview from the satellite, the tv sometimes uses the extra speakers and boomers, but not always and usually I have to turn them off anyway because the sound id too wafffly. And the tv keeps telling me I should use a wired connection to the internet but only works with wifi.The upstairs tv gets very snooty about the channels it can access and refuses to use the same numbering as the downstairs tv (when it was working that is). It refuses to use satellite and only ses the tv ariel. I am told I have 4 different wifis TPlink, Linksys, Vodafone and homemesh and some others which i suspect beong to neighbours. I only use the last one. The Home app tells me about several other devices we own but are not using I could go on. Does anyone know anyone who could spend a day with us in exchange for generous hospitality, bottles of wine, or even money to help us upgrade and use it all better?
And grrrrr. as for my Mac where I'm writing this-- I'm typing away and it will suddenly throw me off and lose everything I've added since the last save. It has thrown me off at least 10 times while I've written this and each time I have to go back to draft and re write the last sentence. It does the same when I update the bridge club website too. It's a pain. And the only way I can type a hashtag (which is the third thing on my number 3 key) is by find one somewhere else on my screen and copy and paste it. Don;t tell me about option and command and control keys. They don't work.
I'm altogether not clever enough to remedy and optimise out home electronics. The router has stopped transmitting to the kitchen. The Sonos system (4 speakers) changes its mind about interactions every time I try to use it. The downstairs tv no longer uses Freeview from the satellite, the tv sometimes uses the extra speakers and boomers, but not always and usually I have to turn them off anyway because the sound id too wafffly. And the tv keeps telling me I should use a wired connection to the internet but only works with wifi.The upstairs tv gets very snooty about the channels it can access and refuses to use the same numbering as the downstairs tv (when it was working that is). It refuses to use satellite and only ses the tv ariel. I am told I have 4 different wifis TPlink, Linksys, Vodafone and homemesh and some others which i suspect beong to neighbours. I only use the last one. The Home app tells me about several other devices we own but are not using I could go on. Does anyone know anyone who could spend a day with us in exchange for generous hospitality, bottles of wine, or even money to help us upgrade and use it all better?
And grrrrr. as for my Mac where I'm writing this-- I'm typing away and it will suddenly throw me off and lose everything I've added since the last save. It has thrown me off at least 10 times while I've written this and each time I have to go back to draft and re write the last sentence. It does the same when I update the bridge club website too. It's a pain. And the only way I can type a hashtag (which is the third thing on my number 3 key) is by find one somewhere else on my screen and copy and paste it. Don;t tell me about option and command and control keys. They don't work.