Busy weekend. Yesterday we went to Nailsworth and had a pleasant lunch with old friends. Today we went to the Bridge Club Christmas Lunch (the formal end of Christmas) and then came home to see Barbara who has come to stay the night.
We all talk about Trump. And then about Brexit. We all despair. We none of us know what to do. The whole world set of values has changed, there is no left or right or up or down. We all live in tribes and we know we are right and that the others are appallingly ignorant. I have one facebook friend, through bridge, who though a lovely (and old) lady is a Leaver. (Her husband, she told me, said how could we vote to be part of Germany when we had fought 2 wars against them) She often shares pretty pictures of cats but she also shares posts from an organisation called Proud to be British. Well I'm a follower of We are the 48% and get a non stop barrage about the horrors of Brexit, very comforting it is. But I've looked at Proud to be British and it has more followers that the 48% one and it too has a non stop barrage- of how awful the EU is. I know they lie, I know they are uninformed. But they are as articulate as we are. Depressing.
Also read three editions of the Financial Tiimes this week. I thought it would be like the Spectator but it's not. It's wonderful and everyday has given me new ideas. Yesterday's was the dreadfulness of speaking English- something I had always thought was a big advantage- no- not at all. All the Russians and Chinese and Europeans learn English and most educated people are bi lingual. But few people in the UK or US are familiar with other lanaguages, The result is as if we are living in a glass house. They can all look in and understand what we are saying and thinking, we look out only on darkness. We have a huge disadvantage in negotiations. What do you think of that?
We all talk about Trump. And then about Brexit. We all despair. We none of us know what to do. The whole world set of values has changed, there is no left or right or up or down. We all live in tribes and we know we are right and that the others are appallingly ignorant. I have one facebook friend, through bridge, who though a lovely (and old) lady is a Leaver. (Her husband, she told me, said how could we vote to be part of Germany when we had fought 2 wars against them) She often shares pretty pictures of cats but she also shares posts from an organisation called Proud to be British. Well I'm a follower of We are the 48% and get a non stop barrage about the horrors of Brexit, very comforting it is. But I've looked at Proud to be British and it has more followers that the 48% one and it too has a non stop barrage- of how awful the EU is. I know they lie, I know they are uninformed. But they are as articulate as we are. Depressing.
Also read three editions of the Financial Tiimes this week. I thought it would be like the Spectator but it's not. It's wonderful and everyday has given me new ideas. Yesterday's was the dreadfulness of speaking English- something I had always thought was a big advantage- no- not at all. All the Russians and Chinese and Europeans learn English and most educated people are bi lingual. But few people in the UK or US are familiar with other lanaguages, The result is as if we are living in a glass house. They can all look in and understand what we are saying and thinking, we look out only on darkness. We have a huge disadvantage in negotiations. What do you think of that?